Tips for easing Corona tension and how spirituality can help

Corona virus Managing Stress and Anxiety

Train yourself to accept uncertainty Failure to endure uncertainty makes a person more susceptible to anxiety. A study conducted during the 2009 influenza A (H1N1) pandemic shows that people who find it more difficult to accept uncertainty are more likely to experience high anxiety. Therefore it is important to learn gradually to overcome uncertainties in … Read more

Corona virus astrology analysis

Corona and planet Rahu effects

Corona and Planet Rahu Any epidemic like swine flue, or carona the recent out burst are the causes of strong Rahu. Rahu is the cause and Ketu is the sufferings. Today, 12.03.20, ….15.29… Rahu transits average 3 minutes a day completes a zodiac sign normally in 18 months. Rahu and Mars connection causes serious blood … Read more