2018 Rasi Palan Rishabh Rasi | Yearly Horoscope 2018 Taurus Sign

2018 Rasi Palan for Rishabh Rasi prediction reports

For Taurus sign planet Saturn is placed in 8th house and Jupiter is placed in 6th house for Rishabh Rasi at starting of the year 2018. Yearly horoscope 2018 for Taurus sign (Rishabh Rasi) prediction is explained and given detailed reports for Taurus sign.

2018 Rasi Palan Mesha Rasi | Yearly Horoscope 2018 Aries Sign

2018 Rasi Palan for Mesha Rasi prediction reports

At the beginning of year 2018, Planet Saturn is placed in 9th house and Jupiter is placed in 7th house for Mesha Rasi. Yearly horoscope 2018 for Aries sign (Mesha Rasi) prediction is explained and given detailed reports for Aries sign.