14 Vastu and Feng Shui tips for peaceful and happy life

Vastu Shastra for Home

The almighty presence and influence of the Five Elements of our planet in our lives need no introduction. From the rains to crops to fire, each and every Element plays an intricate part in our life. Hence it is not surprising, that they wield their might over our buildings, homes and such.

So the proper placement and alignment of the household with the Five Elements are crucial for our own well-being. The Yin and Yang must be properly balanced in our homes; only then can peace and prosperity reign in our households.

This is the Kali Yuga, or in modern terms, the Corporate Era. Life has become so complicated that it is difficult to analyse and find the cause of our problems whether they are marital, problems in job, property, health or problems with our relatives.

Most of these troubles arise due to our mental stress, confusion of the mind and poor health. Both Vasthu Sastra and Feng Shui work together in restoring the harmony in our homes, workplaces. They bring about peace, health and rejuvenate the mind.

By following the simple rules set by Feng Shui, the strength and balance of the Yin and Yang powers can be elevated. We have complied and laid down a few tips from Vasthu Sashtra and Feng Shui experts for a peaceful and happy life.

Few Vaastu and Feng Shui tips for happy life:

  1. It is best to start by finding out the exact direction by which your home or office lies. By standing in the middle of the plot with a compass, you can establish the precise bearings of your land. The powerful forces of Yin and Yang enter a house or place of work through the main doorway. Hence ensure firmly that your plot does not have the main entrance in the South-West corner of your plot and does not face that direction. This is due to the fact that evil forces make their entrance to a household through this direction. However, if your household has its main entrance facing the South-West direction, do not worry; there is a simple yet powerful remedy. Place two Tiles of Lord Hanuman over your main entrance and notice the difference.

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  1. The prayer or Pooja room is the ruler of any house. So establish your Pooja room at the North-East corner and pray facing towards the East.

  1. A kitchen denotes the prosperity of a family. This room should be placed in the South-East corner of the house. If the kitchen is located at the North-East corner of your House, then you might face financial and health related problems. To offset this, you have to hang three brass vessels upside down from the roof of the kitchen. Make sure that these utensils do not come over the stove.

  1. The master bedroom holds the key to stability in the family. This room should lie in the South-West corner of your house. Also, while sleeping, your head should be facing the South or West direction. But never place the master bedroom in the North-East region of your House.

  1. The bathroom and toilet can be considered as the harbingers of the evil forces. These rooms should be in the West or East direction of the plot. These rooms should never be constructed in the North or North-East corner of the plot. If the toilet is located at such a corner, then it will bring ill-health, obstacles to education and financial problems.

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  1. The center of any house or plot is like the nose of the house/plot. It should be free of obstacles and airy. The presence of a wall in such a location will be like an obstruction. So, keep a zero-watt bulb of blue color is kept switched on 24 hours a day.

  1. If there is a cut or a curve in the house structure or the compound wall, it will affect the house and the well-being of the family. The underlying reasons are complex and subtle.  According to Feng Shui, these curves and cut areas become stagnant pools for the bad forces creating disharmony; especially in the South-West, South-East, North and North-East regions of the house or plot.

  1. Do not paint your house with dark colors, in particular, the colors red and blue. Dark colored walls bring about diseases and health problems.

  1. Do not hang pictures of water or running water like waterfalls, rivers in your bedroom. This will damage your health badly.

     Auspicious Griha Pravesh Dates and Timing 2017

  1. Do not keep pooja items or pictures of your deities under a shelf or almirah. This will bring stress or depression to your mind.

  1. Do not place heavy items like almirah in the North-East and North corner of the house. This will cause loss of money.

    Subha Muhurat Griha Pravesh dates and timing in 2018

  1. Do not keep bonsai plants inside your house. Keeping such stunted plants will stunt your professional growth.

  1. Mopping the floor of your house with salty sea water will wipe away the negative influences in your house.

  1. Is your peace of mind lost due to the endless arguments in your home front? Let hours of soothing, devotional or spiritual music flow daily in your house and see the difference.

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