2019 Yearly Horoscope Pisces Sign | 2019 Rasi Palan Meena Rasi

Yearly horoscope of Pisces for the year of 2019

Your life is going to be very exciting now but also very hectic during next year. The past is over with. Old, established patterns and routines are over with. You are breaking with all tradition and going off into the wild blue yonder to experiment on your own. Astrology becomes ever more important in your life. Spirituality, always important, becomes even more so. If you have been in a repressive environment these past few years, the break out is going to be spectacular. Perhaps you will overly rebel. There is a new sense of personal freedom happening only, don’t overdo it. You should try to keep it all constructive.

Last year was a banner love and social year, and the trend continues for most of the year ahead. Marriage, significant relationships and new friendships are happening. Business partnership is also happening. This is a year for paying off your debts, cutting expenses and getting financially healthier.

Wealth Horoscope 2019 Pisces Sign

Your 2nd House of Finance is not especially prominent in the year ahead, Pisces. Financial issues are not high on your agenda. Earnings will tend to be status quo. Those who are prospering will continue to prosper. Those who have been struggling will probably continue in that way. During this year ahead there will be times when earnings come more easily or with greater difficulty but these will come from the current transits and not because of any tendency in the overall year Career is unusually important in the year ahead and this seems unrelated to earnings. Career in this context means your status, prestige, professional and social position in society. This area, though volatile, seems important. Jupiter transit 2018 – Pisces sign

Career Horoscope 2019 Pisces Sign

Your desire for career success is motivated by the kind of social life that success brings not so much for the success itself. Career is complicated by your intense desires for personal freedom, as mentioned. In many cases these desires could cause sudden and abrupt career change. You like the success, for sure but you don’t like the commitment and responsibility that come with it. Your best and most fulfilling career scenario would be an area where you could attain status and prestige while still maintaining maximum personal freedom. This is not a year where you want a boss on your back. A career that affords much travel or varied assignments would be interesting. You don’t want to be stuck in any one place or any one routine for too long. Rahu Ketu Transit 2019 for Pisces Sign

Health Horoscope 2019 Pisces Sign

Your health and vitality will improve during second half of the year. So you should try to rest and relax more. Try to maximizing your energy by focusing on priorities, delegating or outsourcing where possible and working to a rhythm. Wearing the colours, gems and metals of your Sign will help you on subtle levels. All Pisces need to pay attention to their feet, according to the 2019 astrology predictions. Shoes should be comfortable and not throw you off-balance. Foot massage and footbaths are excellent preventive therapies. Saturn Transit 2017 – 2020 for Pisces Sign

You should take special care of your heart always needs special care. You already know, there are many natural and drugless ways to do this. Since the Sun will move through all the Signs and Houses of your horoscope, your health needs and workable therapies can vary month to month. Healing can come from a variety of areas and in a variety of ways. A therapy that was effective one month might not be effective in another month, as your health needs have changed. We will discuss this further in the monthly forecasts. Subha Muhurat Griha Pravesh dates in 2019

You still seem very much involved in the health of your spouse, lover or partner. Spiritually orientated methods seem most effective. The health of parents, parent figures and children seems status quo, though they would benefit from detox regimes. The spine, knees, teeth and skeletal alignment of children need more attention. Health of grandchildren seems status quo.

Friends and Family Horoscope 2019 Pisces Sign

There may be more communication with family members, attempts to reconcile family factions and disputes, more family gatherings and more entertaining from home. It would also indicate a beautification of the home, buying objects of beauty for the home or remodelling from an aesthetic viewpoint. It shows someone who travels a lot, spending extended time in different places though he or she has not officially moved but the effect is ‘as if’ the person has moved many times. Since you are breaking loose this year, it would be understandable that there would be upheavals with the family from time to time especially if the obligations feel onerous to you but this year, these seem minor and short-lived. These are things that will be more easily seen in the monthly forecasts. Best Career option Pisces Ascendant

You are forced to walk a path of delicate balance. Children need order and righteous limits but not cruelty. Your natural tendency is towards permissiveness but this year you will be shown the fallacy of it. You will also put major effort on your part to create a team spirit among the children, to have them work for the overall team rather than for their own perceived selfish interests. This will require much patience on your part. Dealing with children will be a major learning experience in the year ahead.

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